Sunday, November 8, 2009

[Weathering it all.]

It amazes me just how much the sunshine (or lack thereof) affects my life.

(Mental Note: Live somewhere with a balance. Lots of sunshine, yet enough time without, in order to appreciate its brilliance.)

On days when I awaken to beams of light in my eyes, my outlook is thoroughly positive. I find myself in constant search for a way to live each moment of sunlight to the fullest. Shouldn’t I live that way every day?!


I’m discovering that I’m at a time in my life when I have to weather a lot of unknowns. A sunny outlook is helpful.

At the moment, I am waiting to hear about whether or not I got the long-term sub position at Garfield Elementary. That yes/no will have an incredible effect on my life’s course for the next few months. I will go from having the hazy plan of moving home for a few weeks to streamline all the things I carry, as well as to squeeze in all kinds of medical appointments before my insurance runs out, to quickly having to figure out a place to live until March…among other things. Sounds overwhelming. But nice, in a way…

Yet it’s hard to ignore this muttering in the back of my mind warning me against staying put. I have officially outgrown the Sioux Falls lifestyle and, despite a similar voice that loves the comfort that comes with this place, I think I’m ready to admit that I want out. I am keenly aware of my yearning for anything, so long as it’s “other”. I am tired of the routine. I am tired of the avoidance of the very places I am supposed to feel most at home. I am tired of longing for something different and doing nothing about it. I need a change in scenery. Need to venture out.


But, I suppose if I do get this job, venturing out on my own could mean simply getting a studio apartment in the city and making it my own. OH, how badly I crave privacy….the feeling of being safe in my own home. Not that my apartment has been a threatening place to live per se—more so that I worry about getting yelled at by my mouthy and judgmental soon-to-be-lawyer roommate day in and day out. I have reverted to making a mad dash to my room and slamming the door shut as soon as I step into “our” space. My room is the only place that is truly mine. It is my safe haven, free of a critical eye.

Imagine if my entire apartment could feel that way…!

I could spend time with whomever I desire. I could play my music where ever I’d like, as loud as I’d like. I could not clean the bathroom sink until I felt it needed it. (Which would probably be more often than I do now because it’d be my own space…and because I have a strange need to irk my roommate in the most passive-aggressive ways possible…?!) I’d treat it well.


I just need have the space to be able to live the life that I long to lead. I love my friends here—I’d miss them (desperately) if I decided to venture elsewhere. But, at the same time, I think I have some growing up to do…seperately. I know it would be good for my soul to try and decipher how I see and feel about things on my own. Make up my own mind. Not get stuck in the drama between friends and their lovers. [Never my own…:) ] To be free of my mistakes and miscues… it’d be heavenly—like going off to college again. My reputation needn’t follow. I would get to choose who I wanted to be in the moment.

I’d like that.

Not that my reputation is bad. It’s just that it would be better left untouched from here on out. Leave the Bailey of Sioux Falls here. Create a newer version of myself. One that’s even more true to life. Worldly. Adventurous. In touch with all that I care about—the dirt, the sun, everything in between.
Newness. Wholeness.

I long for it all.

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